Nearshore Contact Center Outsourcing to Mexico

Work with multilingual contact center professionals

Many businesses in the U.S. have the need for B2B or B2C contact centers to monitor incoming customer service calls and propel outgoing sales campaign calls. While many organizations have invested heavily in internal infrastructure and employees, this option is very expensive to maintain over time. Not only do they have to budget for staff including a management team to train and generate productivity but there is also the infrastructure they need to purchase and continuously update.

Some companies have already figured out that contact center outsourcing is a more cost-efficient strategy. However, onshore outsourcing is still a significant expense for any company and often 24/7 service is too cumbersome to afford which makes it limited in its scalability. Fortunately, there are other call center outsourcing options

What contact center solutions are better? Nearshore call center outsourcing.

Cadencia has built a network of nearshore contact center professionals that bring together U.S. organizations’ call center needs with affordable, fluently multilingual, top-talent from Mexico.

What are the benefits of nearshore outsourcing for call centers?

Reduced Costs

The low cost of living in Mexico combined with remote work technology creates an opportunity to hire seasoned or entry-level contact center staffers for an average savings of 70%. This substantial savings allows countless opportunities to grow.

Increased Efficiencies

Having a team of nearshore outsourced call center professionals allows your firm to employ staffers who are fluent in multiple languages and cultural similarities improve customer service compared to offshore solutions.

Scale Faster

Hiring full-time nearshore call center professionals for a fraction of the expense offers budget flexibility and easier growth transitions. Your organization gets the benefit of better service for a lower cost and can put those savings back into your business.

Are you ready to try nearshore contact center outsourcing?